Watch Father Pimen Vlad answer several questions asked by the channel Romania TV. The questions are general in nature with answers that benefit all of us and we thought it good to present the complete video to you.
Look my dear ones that we see each other again.
But this time, a little different. And to tell you what it is about… I was asked by the Romania TV team to answer a few questions. Spiritual questions, of course. And because we, as you know, don’t do here this kind of interviews, via the internet, online, but we remain as you have always known us, this is why they sent us a message asking us to answer a few questions, answers which they can send forward [on their TV post]. Yes.
And now, with the help of the Mother of God, as always, because she is our connection to heaven and she is our hope, I will try to answer the few questions. not from me, but from the mercy of the Mother of God, because I always put my hope in Her and when I tell you other things, as I have done so far, for so many years; I always try, and ask the Mother of God, to put in my mind and heart what is useful for those who listen.
Because the purpose of all this is not a mundane one, or one of glory, or something else, because then we would lose our purpose, the very thing that matters in our life. We do these things, with the mercy of the Mother of God only with the purpose to reach all of you who are listening to us and to be of use to you. A little there, just a little change in your life and it matters a lot before God! And now, not to be long, I will try to read, because I copied on this sheet only the questions from the message. And what the Mother of God will enlighten me, that’s what I will answer you. I didn’t have time to think. I just received them, I only copied them.
“What is the symbolic load and how can you describe to us your experiences there, especially on the eve of the holidays?”
(Church holidays, of course) What happens? To say load… we can’t call it symbolic, because it’s experience, it’s direct experience in connection with God. Every holiday (feast) has a meaning. Right now, the feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit has passed. And as one of the Holy Fathers said, very nicely: “We can call this holiday the birthday of the Orthodox Church!” Birthday, yes! Because, we see, who were the Holy Apostles, simple people, fishermen, people without education. You realize what a fisherman is: a simple, poor man, who every day takes his nets, his rod and what else is needed, and goes to catch something for his family. And if there was more than they needed, he would sell it, to buy other things for the family. So simple people, without education. And what did the Savior do with them? Besides having lived a long time around Him, now He gave them the Holy Spirit. Hence the feast is called the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
And what became of these simple people, the apostles? They became the wisest people! How? They spoke in all languages. Do you realize this? I mean, there wasn’t anything they didn’t know. It was the Grace of God that enlightened them. Any man, whether he was from Africa, whether he was from China, whether he was from who knows what country of the world heard in his own language what the Apostles spoke. What were the Apostles talking about? They preached the Gospel, the Incarnation of Christ and all that, until the Crucifixion and Resurrection and the Ascension. So they preached these things in every language, for every man. They had become the wisest people.
And through them what has God done in all this world? Can’t we see? It came to the point that, [what they brought] for some it was salvation, while for others …. they were scared that their reign would be taken away… for emperors, and others… So it already seemed like a problem to them. They did not realize that these people were not preaching an earthly kingdom, but the Kingdom of Heaven! And what were they actually doing? They were showing the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. But as always, as the devil fights against man, he stirred up the godless people, to raise these ones up against them. This thing has always existed.
And we see with the holidays, so every feast has a meaning! Feasts of the Savior, of the Mother of God, the royal feasts… They celebrate a wonderful thing that happened that day. At the Nativity of the Mother of God we see how the Mother of God was born. We have all the feasts of the Mother of God. After that we have the feasts of the Savior, the Incarnation of the Savior. All of them, one after the other, and they have a special liturgy.
So we see, it refers to those very moments. And it is so beautiful, if you pay attention to a service, to a royal feast, how beautifully they are described, all those moments, during the chants, and if we try then to gather, to relive those moments…
Let us imagine! For example, the Mother of God, how she was born from the Saint Parents Joachim and Anna, how difficult it was for them that they had no children! They had reached quite an advanced age when it was no longer possible, think! Saint Anna, at about 60 years old, so at an age when any woman can no longer have children. Saint Joachim, even older. And they had no children, and they prayed and asked because in the old times, just think about it, any family that did not have children was considered cursed by God. It was a great blessing to have children and not only that. Those who had many children, many, ten or more, were considered the most blessed by God. They always sat on the front seats, because they said: “Look how much God has blessed them! They have 10 children… or 15 children.” They were big families. Yes! And they were considered the most blessed by God. And those who did not have children were cast aside: “Who knows what they did wrong if God does not allow them to have this blessing.”
Let us remember this today, when many say: “Why so many children?” No! It is precisely God’s blessing. And I have said this many times before: that with every birth of a child, God opens up a faucet in Heaven so that child has what to live with. But at every killing of a child in the mother’s womb, He turns off a faucet in Heaven. And that is why we see so much trouble in the world, because there is a faucet there of God’s goodness and love which He pours on us, but which is turned off because of the crimes that we commit by killing children. Let’s keep this in mind, shall we?
And after that, we see further the other feasts, as we have our Cell here, called “The Entrance into the Church of the Mother of God”, celebrated on November 21. Imagine the Mother of God, a 3-year-old baby, brought and given to the temple by her parents who were already elderly. And they brought the Mother of God. That is why I often think how beautiful… We tried to make the little church beautiful. I imagined, like that, how the Mother of God comes, a 3-year-old little girl; she was full of Grace, from birth, and beautiful like no other woman. So, all full of the Grace of God, and she enters the little church. So how should the church that receives her be like?
And that’s why we always try to have our little church really clean, beautiful, because it permanently receives the Mother of God. And the other feasts – I will not get into details, not to take more time – they have their own meaning and beauty. We also see the Savior’s Resurrection, how much light it brings, how much joy to everyone, even to non-Orthodox. But they marvel too, there is something in the air, a joy, something that makes everyone rejoice… when the heavens open and all the mercy of God descends on people… Do you realize? And we see, many may say, who do not believe in Christ: “Eh, what will it be…?” But let’s look that even the counting of years is done before Christ and after Christ. Even the nations who have nothing to do, who believe in all kinds of boulders, animals and so on… They count the years the same: before Christ and after Christ. So, what Christ meant to all mankind! Yes my dears!
And then do you know the joy we get at the feasts? It depends on how much we give! That is, the more we delve into living the celebration, the more we contemplate it, the more we pray, if we partake of the Holy Mysteries, we experience the full significance of the feast and enjoy it. And we move on because there are other questions.
“What can we do to become better?” “How can we love all that is around us and respect the commandments of the Gospel?”
Let’s be better… You know what it means? It’s the opposite of being evil, right? And then to be better we must not be evil anymore. And how do we do that? If a thought comes to you to do harm to the one next to you, to the neighbor or someone else. You have to oppose this thought: “How can I do this to this man? He is also God’s creation! Why should I hurt him? Why should I steal from him? Why should I wrong him? Why should I curse him? He is also God’s creation.”
Because, let’s not forget, every man has the divine spark in him. When Adam was made, it is said that God took dust and made him out of dust. What does dust mean? A dead body. But what did God do? He breathed upon him the breath of life. So He gave him a divine spark – the immortal soul. And Adam came to life. Do we see now what happens? You see a man who left this world, died. You go to his body. You can beat him, you can cut him, stab him, do whatever you want to him. Does he react? Does he say something? It hurts him? No! He’s dead! Why? The divine spark left. The soul returned to God again. And then he remained lifeless.
You see, by this we became significant and valuable, as they say, having the divine spark from God. Then, in every man there is the divine spark. So, a spark from God! Then, by doing harm to that man, we strike at God himself, Who gave this soul! And what we do? We anger God. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again. There is a saying from our people that goes like this: “What you don’t like, don’t do to others!” This says a lot, let’s think about it! You want to hurt the other person, but let’s switch the roles and say: but what if that one hurt me, would I like it? No! Well, then I will not do that to him either! Or, I want to curse him, but what if he cursed me in front of others, would I like it? No! What if he would offend me, steal from me,… attack my wife, and everything else… Would that suit me? No! So let me not do it to the other one either!
Let’s think carefully before doing something, a gesture that is not good, an act that hurts the other. Let’s think about it well! And even in the family, not only with the others who are further away… In the family, with the wife, the children. Why hurt them pointlessly? why throw a word at them that hurts and harms them? When possible, a little zipper at the mouth. Or I have another word: water in the mouth. Take a mouthful of water, if you cannot control your mouth, and keep it there. Because then you’re forced to shut up.
So let’s fight ourselves to become better! But it is not enough not to do evil, I must complement it with good. That is, I don’t free my mind and heart and leave them empty, because then the devil is making his home there. Let’s fill [them both] with good.
What does good means: primarily prayer. Because prayer unites us with God and enlightens us to do good. And after that let’s try every day to do a little good to one or the other: you help your family first, as I said. The wife – you help her a little in the kitchen, you help her with work, with household chores. The children – make time for them, to talk to them, to play with them. You don’t even realize how important this is. That child should see that his father or mother has time, an hour or two in the evening, for him, talks to him, plays with him, shares with him things from life experience, answers to his misunderstandings, because as a child he stumbles upon many things that need an explanation. You as a parent must be there to help him. And through this everything becomes a good deed.
And, with the others, you go to work, and, where you are, try to behave nicely, to help the others After that, maybe a widowed neighbor, poor, who is old, abandoned by everyone, you see that her fence or gate has fallen, go and help her, fix it a little! Give a glass of water to someone in need or someone who can’t move anymore – go in the morning and bring them a bucket of water every day, to have it there at hand! Well, these things are good deeds, and you don’t even realize how much they are worth before God. And in this way we fulfill the commandments of the Gospel. Did you understand?
Because we have a very beautiful thing in the Holy Gospel that says like this: “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and everything else will be added to you.” Everything! You heard? Everything that we need here on Earth: to eat, to drink, to rest, to make a roof over our head, a car to move with, and all the rest, so what we need in life will be given to us. But with the condition: to seek first the Kingdom of Heaven. That is, God should be on the first place in our lives. When God is first, we always give Him priority, we are not ashamed of Him.
We pass in front of a church: “Thank You, God, for helping me so far and help me also in the future! Glory be to You, God! Thank the Mother of God for everything!” Or in honor of a saint: “Saint, please help me. Look, I’m going to work, or I’m going for a business or something”.
Always, without shame, let’s stop in front of the church and make the holy cross. Let’s not be ashamed of God, because thanks to Him we are on this Earth and thanks to Him we can do what we do around us, to go further. Because of the divine spark that we have in us.
The rest, I told you. When the man dies, everything is over. Do you realize it? And we put God aside, we despise Him, trusting in ourselves, that we are strong and great. We are nothing. Look at a poor man and a rich man, a millionaire, or what he may be. They both die. What do they take with them? Nothing! Between four boards both of them, they leave this world with nothing. Regardless of the tumult they had in this world, how they struggled to gather, they take nothing from here, but they find beyond what they have sent by good deeds, by what I said.
A brick every day: saying a word to someone, smiling at someone, helping someone, saying a prayer for someone, going to church for the Holy Liturgy and praying for yourself and for all the loved ones and for the whole world. All these are good things. Confessing and trying to get rid of all the accumulated evils, hardships, taking communion, praying — all these go to God over there. The alms we give to the poor… All these things we will find in the after-world. Because when we leave, we don’t take anything, we find there what we sent. Yes, my dears?
So look how many good deeds we can do and in this way we fulfill the Gospel, but not only that. This good returns to us and we find it beyond. Plus it breaks down on us here too, as I told you: “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all the rest will be added to you.” God gives them to us as a gift, without us struggling too much. But first it should be God, let’s not forget this!
Let’s see:
“Why is Athos a wonder? What miracles have you experienced and are experiencing there? How do you feel God close and understand His Grace?”
Why is Athos a miracle? See also its name: the Holy Mount Athos. There are so many things in this world with different names but you see that Athos is unique: Holy Mount Athos. It got its name 2000 years ago, from the coming of the Mother of God here in the Holy Mountain.
The Mother of God stepped here, 2000 years ago, when she lived on Earth. She arrived near the Clement’s harbour. In the area of the Monastery of Iviron. Yes. The Mother of God has arrived. She had left Jerusalem being called by Saint Lazarus, who had been resurrected on the fourth day, and was now a bishop in Cyprus. He had sent her a ship to come to him. But God ordained otherwise. He raised a storm on the sea and brought the Mother of God here to Athos. Here, where there was to be a holy place. Because it entered directly under the protection of the Mother of God. And think, when she stepped on that place, on land, it is said that all of a sudden, on the Athon Pick, that you don’t see now it is behind me; from here we have a wonderful view. In fact, I think some of you have already seen in the videos, even Mihai Morar made some beautiful videos when I had that podcast with him. They filmed with a drone and you also saw the Athon Peak.
From here, from us, also the Peak of Athon and also the sea… It’s a wonderful sight. Well, on the Peak of Athon at that time, there was an idol of 30 meters height, made of marble and with a ruby eye in its forehead. So, think about it, it was huge. And when the Sun was reflected in it, it shone like another sun, so brightly did that ruby shine. And there, the devils lived like in the old days. This was the god Apollo. There were idol worshippers. And what were they doing? Just below Athon, I found somewhere on the side towards Kersasia, some huge stones with drains. What was happening, what did they do in those pagan times? Because those were their customs. This is how they understood that it was good, to do evil, the devils used their naivety. They had to sacrifice their youngest child, to stab him there and drain the blood into that channel, to make that sacrifice there, so that things would go well for them. And we keep finding testimonies about that even now.
The moment the Mother of God stepped on land, the devils on the top began to shout, to howl and to say: “Come out to the harbor of Clement, to meet the Mother of God, because our kingdom is finished!” And at that moment that idol exploded and broke into thousands of pieces. And you realize, the people there, hearing those screams and seeing nobody, because those came from the devils, they were all afraid, and they all fled from there and went down to Clement’s harbor to see who came, stronger than their god, who they believed to be God. And what did they find? A woman. Simple, humble – the Mother of God, with Saint John by her side. And then they asked her:
“Who are you? How come you have this power? What did you do?”
And then she told them the history of salvation. So I won’t go into details. And then they all bowed to Her and many of them asked to be baptized and became Christians.
It is said that the Mother of God stayed there for about 2 months. That is why there is a place near the top called Panaghia, because she would have climbed up there, circled Mount Athos. Pagans lived there in those times, there were some kind of small fortresses on the edge. And they baptized most of the pagans. And after that they left. When the Mother of God saw the beauty of Mount Athos, it is said that she prayed: “My Son and my God, give me this mountain to have it under my care, because it is very dear to me.” And then an answer came from above and said: “May it be to you according to your wish, my Mother, and may it be a place of tranquility here for all who will want to retire and live here in hermitage and prayer.”
You see, given directly as an inheritance to the Mother of God by God, by the Savior. And that’s why it is called the Garden of the Mother of God or the Holy Mount Athos. You realize what honor Mount Athos has? That is why it is called holy and wonderful. There is a lot to say here but it would mean talking for hours. But there are so many videos, I talked many times, and those who didn’t know until now can find them. There are many, so I won’t go into details because It will take too long, you know.
So as I have said before: what miracles we experienced here, how we feel God. What’s going on? Miracles? I’m not trying to look at those miracles that are done, so many people are cured, of diseases, of cancer, not that. I have always regarded as a miracle a thing, so to speak, wonderful for me. So as I told you: Athos is unique! By what it is, as I told you, it is under direct protection of the Mother of God.
I was living in Romania, in a small monastery in the mountains, the Sihăstria Monastery in the Neamț area. And think! When the call of the Mother of God came, I saw nothing else. Only Athos! I didn’t know much about Athos at the time but suddenly that desire came like a fire. I could not see anything else but Athos. This was the call of the Mother of God for me to come here. After I arrived here, I understood one thing: what an honor the Mother of God gave me by calling me here! I could say that this is the biggest miracle.
So Athos, you see, is small – a small peninsula inhabited by monks. This world is big, there are tens of thousands of monasteries in this world, hundreds of thousands of monks. And yet here are just a few, a limited number. Eh, among these, the Mother of God brought me too. This I can say is the greatest miracle, the greatest honor given to me: to be brought here by the Mother of God, I told in some videos how I got here, what I had to go through to get here. But the presence of the Mother of God was felt in everything. I mean, she took care of me. She was somehow above me the whole time: if I tripped, she held out her hand for me to stand up, if I was hungry she made sure I had something to eat, if I was, maybe thirsty, to find a glass of water.
Always the Mother of God protected me and brought me here. And that’s why I say, not only did she bring me here… Think that there are almost 30 years, I mean 29 years since I came here. She took care of me here, as a stranger coming only with the clothes I had on me. She helped me, in time, to build the Cell of Saint Artemie, after that the Cell here, of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Church. With nothing – from scratch, through so many miracles. And she still tolerates me here, after so many years, she still takes care of me even when I fall or when I raise, even when I stumble, she always takes care of me. This is the biggest miracle for me. So I cannot ever really describe this and thank the Mother of God enough for her love and kindness in bringing me there. Yes!
And after that, the question was: “How do we understand the Grace of God?” Well, we see the Grace of God in everything that moves. It is not only with us, that it takes care of us, but I see it in everything. In birds… Think that we start the liturgy at 05.00 in the morning. The birds, even a little earlier, you start to hear them singing. At 05.00 when we ring the bell, it’s as if we gave them a wake-up call too. They all begin to sing so wonderfully, they are playing here around the cell in the woods; all bless God. And they sing until about 07.00 continuously. So they praise God, and you see the Grace of God putting everything in motion.
The flowers. See here too, look! All these red ones around here, queen of the night. Hortensias there, many others, so it is full. Flowers are all around the cell. We ourselves take care of them with love, but it is the Grace of God that gives them life, beauty, fragrance. In everything that moves around us we feel the Grace, almost palpably, we live it. And the peace and tranquility that comes to our soul. These can only be from the Grace of God. You live in the world, you see, you have business, riches… Do you find joy in all these things? Do you find contentment in these things? If there is not the peace of mind? Because peace does not come from these goodies, it comes from the Grace of God.
And we return to what I said: “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all the rest will be added to you.” So from here we receive the Grace. Yes!
And we move on. The question was:
“Are there good people and bad people? Are we born equal before God? Do we ever lose God’s protection?”
So: are there good people and bad people? No, my dears! They are all good! All people made by God are good. So we see, the children, at birth, they are all innocent, all good, but along the way, because, let’s say, the child’s growth begins in the mother’s womb if the mother has bad habits, certain passions: drinks, smokes, she is nervous, these things are transmitted to the child. So to some extent, the mother’s anxiety is transferred to the child. After birth, the same. Everything that happens in the family influences the child. Good or less good.
So all people are good. But in time they start to lose their path. That is, to lose certain things from what God has given us. And to be influenced, directed to evil. Here the devil also does his work, through certain weaknesses of ours or certain passions that try to sneak up on us and we are caught by them. And this happens if we do not have the connection with God, as I said, through confession, through communion, through good deeds, and then we begin to grasp on the wrong path. And when we get down the wrong path, we go from bad to worse. And see what is happening around us because we forget God and cast God aside!
So people are not that way or the other. They are all good, so that you know. Let’s see! Before God, yes, we are all born equal. Only that, to some God gives more talents, to others less, but all have talents. To create a balance. Because they can’t be all be perfectly the same. To complement each other. You see, let’s take a normal example. in a car, not all parts can be the same. A wing, a screw, the hood, the wheel. They are all different but complement each other. Well, this thing also happens here, in humans. So everyone has his gift, there is no man without talents from God. He just has to work them, to implement and multiply them. Not for his benefit, but for the benefit of the others. And in this way we are rewarded by God both here on Earth and beyond.
And it was: “Do we ever lose God’s protection?” What happens? God’s protection… So God always protects us. But you know what happens? One of the Holy Fathers said that God listens to us to the extent that we also listen to Him. Did you understand? God is always present. But at certain times He does not manifest His presence because of the evil things that we do, because of the falls, the passions, everything we do wrong. And then God stands aside, God’s Grace stands apart, it stops working for us… But this does not mean that we are forsaken by God. Only WE move away from God, through the sins we commit.
After that it says:
“Father, should we listen to our heart or our mind?”
Yes! Let’s see, what should we listen to in life? The mind or the heart? So sometimes, most of the times, we have to listen to our heart. But some other times, because God gave us reason, we have to also think. So it can’t be one without the other. But always the heart [matters more]. But sometimes the heart can also … we see in someone who has fallen in love, no longer knows, no longer distinguishes between one thing and the other. But in order not to make a mistake neither with the heart nor with the mind, we need the Grace of God. And God helps us if we stay connected to Him.
If we disconnect, how can He help us? Because you have seen, there is an icon somewhere – the Savior knocking on a door that has no handle. Why? Because God does not force. He gave us freedom. Do you know what freedom means? He does not enter by force into our lives. No! “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears, he will open to me and I will come in and dine with him.” So God has given us complete freedom.
And it depends on us to choose the good, the bad, or what we do, because, it is said, here in the heart all our struggle takes place: to do good, to fight with evil. Because the devil also tries to enter the heart of man to take control. By what? Through passions, through tricks, through everything that is against God. If we strive to purify the heart… By what means? Through confession. God gave us this great chance, as the Savior said to them: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive, will be forgiven, and whose sins you keep, they will be kept.” You realize what great Grace God gave to the priests? To be able to forgive sins. Not the priests. It is the Grace of God through their hands, such that we humble ourselves, to go to confession. [The priest] is human like us. He also makes mistakes, And he, in turn, confesses to someone else.
But we need to confess, to receive forgiveness. Then the heart is cleansed. But we don’t have to stop there and leave it empty. Let’s fill it with good things, with prayer, such that the devil does not find his place again through passions, to drag us into all the bad things. Did you understand? Let’s see! I forced a little and it seems that I start to hoarse.
“What thoughts do you convey to believers who cannot get on the Holy Mountain or who have not managed to get there yet?”
What thoughts?… To become better! Better! Better with everyone around. It costs us nothing. I even remember the other day a group came how people, groups are constantly coming. Even now I closed the gate a little such that I could talk here with the flowers, but there is a group of around 20 people beyond the gate, who come to me from time to time so that I may tell them some word. Among them there was a young man, who after I spoke to them came and said:
“Father, but how can one be convinced that there is life beyond, that there is eternal life if he does not believe?” I mean, is this thing worth it, if not…?
I say: Come on man, let’s see something! Does it cost you anything to live a beautiful life here on Earth? No one stops you to eat, to have a drink, to enjoy yourself… But to enjoy beautifully, to live beautifully! Because life is short. Does anyone stop you? Without harming anyone. Having a relation with God, does it mean you lose something? You don’t lose anything if you live like this and there’s nothing beyond, right? But let’s think differently! What if everything is beyond, the eternity, and you lived here, for a few years, a disastrous life: you have done evil, in passions, in drunkenness, in fornication, in everything you wanted and you go beyond and see that everything is true. And you have lost everything, all the beauty beyond, and you are going to torment. What did you lose then? Everything!
Because eternity never ends. So you lose everything for what? For a few years here, when you prefer… I don’t see any joy to tipple in the evening, to drink until you fall under the table and the next day to have a headache. Do you see any joy in this? I don’t. The joy is being with your loved ones, serving a glass, talking about nice things and a decent joke, and that’s how you enjoy being with them. You go to bed peacefully and the next day you are good for work. That is joy, not the other. Or you go camping with the family, you enjoy with the children, talk, play. Yes! Beautiful joys.
Therefore, think carefully whether it is worth losing the eternal life for some small things, because in fact, they are small. If God wants one day, he takes everything from us, there comes a flood, an earthquake, a war, everything is lost. Are we left with anything? We are leaving beyond as I told you: both the poor and the rich take nothing. [We take] just what we have sent.
These thoughts should reach everyone, both those who arrived or did not arrive here, and those who want to come here. The Mother of God welcomes them all with love. We are not the masters here. No! We are transients here too. As long as the Mother of God allows us. But even in Athos there are limitations. There are restrictions in Uranopolis where diamonitirium (the entry permit) is given because, you realize, if it were freely given, what would it mean here in Athos? Everything would be turned upside down. This it is a place of silence, of peace, of prayer. And that’s why we need a balance. That is, not to end up like a museum. Like a zoo, or something. where everyone comes out of curiosity to see what’s going out here. No!
The Mother of God allows to get here only those who really want, with their soul, who want to have an use from this and thus those who really want it would be good to confess before coming, to prepare a little their soul, to think that they come into the Garden of the Mother of God. And then, if they come more prepared, they will also get more use from here. I mean, you get as much as you give.
And those who cannot make it here, or women, or… know that the Mother of God is Mistress over this whole world. She listens wherever she is. It is enough for someone to pray to her with all faith, because she is our intercessor before God, she is our connection to Heaven. You don’t realize what the Mother of God means to us! The Mother of God is everything because she opens Heaven to us. She takes us in her arms and places us at the feet of God, of the Savior and intercedes for us. Therefore, let us love the Mother of God very much and ask her for help. And know that she never leaves us, she is like a mother full of love for her children. We are her children. How much mercy and love she has, how much care she has for us. This is what I convey to all of you, also to those who cannot get here: to love the Mother of God and to ask for her help all the time! And then you will see miracles in your life and not only.
I mean, if you have an illness and you don’t heal, it’s over, it’s… a disaster. No! First heal the soul. Be prepared to go to God, because we don’t know when we each go.
Yes, my dears? That’s about all I had to say. May the Mother of God help you all and don’t forget that without God we are what, I think, Tuțea said: “speaking animals, rational animals.” That is, we are nothing without God. Let’s not forget God, let’s not forget the Mother of God and then we will have a beautiful life here on earth and we will go to joy also in the beyond.
May the Mother of God help us. May God help us.
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May the Lord help us!
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May the Lord help us!
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As avea si eu o intrebare legata de fraza “Aduna-ti averi in cer, nu pe pamant.”
Milostenia este foarte buna, insa cei are o fac doar ca sa isi stranga averi pentru cand ajung dincolo, nu este totusi egoist?
Este vreo diferenta, intre binele facut din bunatate si binele facut cu gandul ca, o cana de apa data la cel insetat aici pe pamant, este o cana de apa pentru cel ce a oferit-o, dupa ce ajunge in rai?
În rai toate lucrurile sunt duhovnicești. După moarte nu mai avem nevoie de bani, căni de apă etc.