1 January 2023

This Is Romania! – Athos, Between Men and Saints! | Complete Edition – Kanal D

For the most beautiful feast of the year, Christmas, the show “This is Romania!” prepared a special edition, an exclusive documentary report, produced on Mount Athos. […]
21 September 2022

The Bravery of Repentance – Father Theologos

To get out of the difficulties and troubles of this life we ​​need repentance. To repent we need courage. Watch this video to find out more […]
18 September 2022

What Is the Pulse of Orthodoxy in the US? – Father Gheorghe Zugravu, Father Theologos

Watch a “hot topic” interview with Father Gheorghe Zugravu, ministering priest of St. George’s Orthodox Cathedral in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, in which he gives us up-to-date […]
13 September 2022

Suicide Does Not Solve Anything – Father Theologos

Watch a clip that the enemy fought us very hard on so that it wouldn’t come out. All our recordings, even if we prepare a little […]
11 September 2022

Young People, Fear, Music and the Church – Fr. Theologos Interview With Radio Trinitas

Watch an interview with George Savu Pascal from Radio Trinitas in which a discussion is started on the problems of Orthodox youth today, seen especially from […]
6 September 2022

The Prison of This World – Father Theologos

It is frightening that people far from God struggle much more than those close to God without the expected results and without wanting to get closer […]
4 September 2022

To the Young People of Today – Radio Trinitas Interview with Father Theologos

Watch an interview given on Radio Trinitas on the program “Youth to Youth” in which the problems of today’s youth, especially students seeking God, are addressed. […]
30 August 2022

Repentance: The Path to Freedom – Father Theologos

We all want to be free. In fact, the entire history of mankind revolves around a few ideas – one of them being the idea of […]
21 August 2022

Holy Tradition and Today’s Youth – Silvian Man, Fr. Theologos

How is the way of sanctification, which is holy tradition, expressed in the daily life of young people? What is the mindset of Orthodox students today […]
16 August 2022

Obedience and Social Relationships – Father Theologos

We continue the series on obedience, analyzing one of the great issues related to it and, by extension, to human existence: interpersonal relationships. Watch this video […]
14 August 2022

The Mother of God as an Example for Us – Father Theologos

Many of us have reverence for the Mother of God, but we do not think about how things stand when we want to have the Mother […]
10 August 2022

Obedience and Politics – Father Theologos

Obedience is salvific, but some questions arise here: how should we prepare for obedience? What is the relationship between the obedient and leaders? What happens when […]
7 August 2022

The Knowledge of God – The Transfiguration – Father Theologos

What is the significance and purpose of the feast of the Transfiguration? Why did God want it to happen? Watch this video to find out. Enjoy! […]
2 August 2022

The Love of the Body, Transhumanism, Suicide – Father Theologos

One of the main problems of today’s society is the bodily view of the world that pushes us to big problems related – paradoxically – to […]
31 July 2022

The Richest Man in Romania? – Gheorghe Axinte, Fr. Theologos

Watch a discussion with Gheorghe Axinte, who, in our opinion, is one of the richest people in Romania.By watching the clip, you will learn how he […]
17 July 2022

“Pro Vita”: The Fight for Life – Fr. Radu Brînza, Fr. Theologos

Watch an impressive testimony of Father Radu Brînza, coordinator of “Pro Vita” ( https://provitaiasi.ro/ ), who reveals to us the less seen but no less impressive […]
5 July 2022

The Pitfalls of Distancing From the World – Father Theologos

Today’s society is very far from God and – therefore – a distancing from it is required in order to get closer to God.But what are […]
26 June 2022

Online Problems, the Mystery of Athos, Romanian Saints – Father Ioan Istrati, Fr. Theologos

Watch a dialogue between Father Ioan Istrati and Father Theologos about some of the most interesting topics in Romanian Orthodoxy today: the problems of online mission […]
19 June 2022

Father Efrem Atwood – Was He Guilty or Not? – Father Theologos

Watch a case study regarding the death of Father Efrem Atwood who was executed a few days ago on June 8, 2022, the 2nd capital punishment […]
14 May 2022

Simple & Fine – Father Theologos and Mihai Morar – Part 1

To be very honest, the condition for Mihai to do the “Fine & Simple” podcast with me (with Father Theologos) was that he also agree to […]
Simple & Fine – Father Theologos and Mihai Morar – Part 1
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