18 December 2022

This Is How We Stop Evil!

Evil and the specter of war are an ever-increasing presence. The Athonite monk Pimen Vlad offers us a simple recipe, accessible to everyone, to ward off […]
15 December 2022

Saint Theophanó: How to Become a Saint, While Being an Empress – Father Pimen Vlad

An empress can become a saint? Yes, this can truly happen. To find out how, watch Father Pimen Vlad tell us about the wonderful life of […]
8 December 2022

Saint Spyridon – The Saint of Humility – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a word about the life and miracles of one of the greatest and most wonderful saints in Orthodoxy: Saint Spyridon. What was the cause […]
1 December 2022

Saint Nicholas: Our Grandpa – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a tender word about the life of Saint Nicholas, adorned with some of the many miracles that Saint Nicholas worked during his life and, […]
14 October 2022

Saint Paraskeva: Holiness in Youth – Fr. Pimen Vlad

Watch Father Pimen Vlad who tells us briefly but with much grace the life of St. Paraskeva, also making spiritual comments alongside it. Enjoy! Behold, my […]
6 October 2022

Gratitude, Mercy, St. Philothea – Father Pimen Vlad

How did a 12-year-old girl become a holy martyr with unspoiled relics? Listen to a word from Father Pimen Vlad who shows us how this can […]
31 July 2022

The Richest Man in Romania? – Gheorghe Axinte, Fr. Theologos

Watch a discussion with Gheorghe Axinte, who, in our opinion, is one of the richest people in Romania.By watching the clip, you will learn how he […]
21 June 2022

The Passions: Categories, Examples – Father Theologos

There are very, very many passions – whole books are written on this topic. However, a delimitation of these into categories is also necessary – even […]
19 April 2022

Are We Like Judas? – Father Theologos

Most of us detest Judas and appreciate Mary, the sister of Lazarus who anointed the Lord with myrrh and washed His feet with the hair of […]
Are We Like Judas? – Father Theologos
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