9 February 2023

Saint Haralambos: The Youthfulness of Old Age – Fr. Pimen Vlad

Saint Haralambos is the best example to show us that the saints are, in fact, moving from death to life, while sinful man moves forward in […]
3 February 2023

Saint Agatha: Pious and Virginal Mind – Fr. Pimen Vlad

What distinguishes Saint Agatha? What was her life like? Listen to Father Pimen Vlad who tells us the life of the saint and highlights the saint’s […]
15 December 2022

Saint Theophanó: How to Become a Saint, While Being an Empress – Father Pimen Vlad

An empress can become a saint? Yes, this can truly happen. To find out how, watch Father Pimen Vlad tell us about the wonderful life of […]
23 September 2022

Let’s Help as Much as We Can – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a comforting word from Father Pimen about the kindness and mercy we should have as Christians, about our Cross and about our relationship with matter. […]
21 September 2022

The Bravery of Repentance – Father Theologos

To get out of the difficulties and troubles of this life we ​​need repentance. To repent we need courage. Watch this video to find out more […]
11 September 2022

Young People, Fear, Music and the Church – Fr. Theologos Interview With Radio Trinitas

Watch an interview with George Savu Pascal from Radio Trinitas in which a discussion is started on the problems of Orthodox youth today, seen especially from […]
6 September 2022

The Prison of This World – Father Theologos

It is frightening that people far from God struggle much more than those close to God without the expected results and without wanting to get closer […]
28 August 2022

Miracles in Programming, Artificial Intelligence and the Family – Father Theologos

What problems does the omnipresence of programs and programming – especially of Artificial Intelligence – raise in everyday life? How do these blend with the family […]
21 August 2022

Holy Tradition and Today’s Youth – Silvian Man, Fr. Theologos

How is the way of sanctification, which is holy tradition, expressed in the daily life of young people? What is the mindset of Orthodox students today […]
2 August 2022

The Love of the Body, Transhumanism, Suicide – Father Theologos

One of the main problems of today’s society is the bodily view of the world that pushes us to big problems related – paradoxically – to […]
31 July 2022

The Richest Man in Romania? – Gheorghe Axinte, Fr. Theologos

Watch a discussion with Gheorghe Axinte, who, in our opinion, is one of the richest people in Romania.By watching the clip, you will learn how he […]
17 July 2022

“Pro Vita”: The Fight for Life – Fr. Radu Brînza, Fr. Theologos

Watch an impressive testimony of Father Radu Brînza, coordinator of “Pro Vita” ( https://provitaiasi.ro/ ), who reveals to us the less seen but no less impressive […]
14 June 2022

Youth, West, East and Orthodoxy With Sorin Gadola and Fr. Theologos

In an interview of Sorin Gadola conducted by Father Theologos, he explains from his own experience what the problems of today’s youth are and the trials […]
9 June 2022

Our Cell: Trials and Tribulations; Sweet Rewards – Father Pimen Vlad

No good deed is done without trials and tribulations. Find out what the trials and tribulations were during the construction of our cell, and what was […]
26 May 2022

Temptations, Trials and Help in the Construction of the Cell – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch Father Pimen who tells us about the various temptations but also about the help of Mr. George Becali in the construction of the cell in […]
24 March 2022

Poverty, Peace, and War – Father Pimen Vlad

What riches do monastics have? How do they handle themselves materially speaking? Watch this video and you will find out. As a bonus, father Pimen comments […]
9 March 2022

The Obedience at the Monastery of St. Paul – Father Pimen Vlad 

Watch father Pimen Vlad as he relates his memories of the spiritual fathers from the monastery of St. Paul.  The father relates wonderful events (miracles) that […]
3 March 2022

Miracles from St. Paul’s Monastery – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch father Pimen as he narrates his memories of spiritual fathers from the monastery of St. Paul.  The father narrates miraculous events (miracles) that he lived […]
Miracles from St. Paul’s Monastery – Father Pimen Vlad
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