4 February 2023

Relationships Between Young People – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a word of instruction that Father Pimen Vlad addressed to young people when he was in Romania. The thorny problem of relationships between young […]
15 December 2022

Saint Theophanó: How to Become a Saint, While Being an Empress – Father Pimen Vlad

An empress can become a saint? Yes, this can truly happen. To find out how, watch Father Pimen Vlad tell us about the wonderful life of […]
18 September 2022

What Is the Pulse of Orthodoxy in the US? – Father Gheorghe Zugravu, Father Theologos

Watch a “hot topic” interview with Father Gheorghe Zugravu, ministering priest of St. George’s Orthodox Cathedral in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, in which he gives us up-to-date […]
13 September 2022

Suicide Does Not Solve Anything – Father Theologos

Watch a clip that the enemy fought us very hard on so that it wouldn’t come out. All our recordings, even if we prepare a little […]
6 September 2022

The Prison of This World – Father Theologos

It is frightening that people far from God struggle much more than those close to God without the expected results and without wanting to get closer […]
28 August 2022

Miracles in Programming, Artificial Intelligence and the Family – Father Theologos

What problems does the omnipresence of programs and programming – especially of Artificial Intelligence – raise in everyday life? How do these blend with the family […]
23 August 2022

Disobedience, Reproof, Tyranny – Father Theologos

We talked about obedience and its beneficial effects. Now we will talk about disobedience and its destructive effects, about handling reproofs from both the perspective of […]
21 August 2022

Holy Tradition and Today’s Youth – Silvian Man, Fr. Theologos

How is the way of sanctification, which is holy tradition, expressed in the daily life of young people? What is the mindset of Orthodox students today […]
16 August 2022

Obedience and Social Relationships – Father Theologos

We continue the series on obedience, analyzing one of the great issues related to it and, by extension, to human existence: interpersonal relationships. Watch this video […]
14 August 2022

The Mother of God as an Example for Us – Father Theologos

Many of us have reverence for the Mother of God, but we do not think about how things stand when we want to have the Mother […]
10 August 2022

Obedience and Politics – Father Theologos

Obedience is salvific, but some questions arise here: how should we prepare for obedience? What is the relationship between the obedient and leaders? What happens when […]
30 April 2022

A New Saint in the Church. Who Is the Saint? – Father Theologos

A new saint was canonized in the Orthodox Church. What is the path of holiness? Which road must we take to reach our goal, to become […]
19 April 2022

Are We Like Judas? – Father Theologos

Most of us detest Judas and appreciate Mary, the sister of Lazarus who anointed the Lord with myrrh and washed His feet with the hair of […]
24 March 2022

Poverty, Peace, and War – Father Pimen Vlad

What riches do monastics have? How do they handle themselves materially speaking? Watch this video and you will find out. As a bonus, father Pimen comments […]
9 March 2022

The Obedience at the Monastery of St. Paul – Father Pimen Vlad 

Watch father Pimen Vlad as he relates his memories of the spiritual fathers from the monastery of St. Paul.  The father relates wonderful events (miracles) that […]
Adam Chose War – Father Theologos
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