9 February 2023

Saint Haralambos: The Youthfulness of Old Age – Fr. Pimen Vlad

Saint Haralambos is the best example to show us that the saints are, in fact, moving from death to life, while sinful man moves forward in […]
6 December 2022

Words Can Be a Form of Violence – Father Theologos

Unfortunately, almost all of us have the experience of the fact that most of the time words are a form of violence. Many of our troubles […]
1 December 2022

Saint Nicholas: Our Grandpa – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a tender word about the life of Saint Nicholas, adorned with some of the many miracles that Saint Nicholas worked during his life and, […]
18 September 2022

What Is the Pulse of Orthodoxy in the US? – Father Gheorghe Zugravu, Father Theologos

Watch a “hot topic” interview with Father Gheorghe Zugravu, ministering priest of St. George’s Orthodox Cathedral in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, in which he gives us up-to-date […]
11 September 2022

Young People, Fear, Music and the Church – Fr. Theologos Interview With Radio Trinitas

Watch an interview with George Savu Pascal from Radio Trinitas in which a discussion is started on the problems of Orthodox youth today, seen especially from […]
28 August 2022

Miracles in Programming, Artificial Intelligence and the Family – Father Theologos

What problems does the omnipresence of programs and programming – especially of Artificial Intelligence – raise in everyday life? How do these blend with the family […]
7 August 2022

The Knowledge of God – The Transfiguration – Father Theologos

What is the significance and purpose of the feast of the Transfiguration? Why did God want it to happen? Watch this video to find out. Enjoy! […]
19 July 2022

On Dreams, Imaginations and Drugs – Father Theologos

What is the relationship between dreams, imagination, God and demons? These things, as the Holy Fathers tell us, are very important and can to a large […]
26 June 2022

Online Problems, the Mystery of Athos, Romanian Saints – Father Ioan Istrati, Fr. Theologos

Watch a dialogue between Father Ioan Istrati and Father Theologos about some of the most interesting topics in Romanian Orthodoxy today: the problems of online mission […]
19 June 2022

Father Efrem Atwood – Was He Guilty or Not? – Father Theologos

Watch a case study regarding the death of Father Efrem Atwood who was executed a few days ago on June 8, 2022, the 2nd capital punishment […]
17 June 2022

Small Mistakes – Great Sins!

In this dialogue with Athonite monk Pimen Vlad, we present a series of apparently small mistakes, which, when overlooked, inevitably generate disastrous consequences. Cristi Bumbenici (CB): […]
14 June 2022

Youth, West, East and Orthodoxy With Sorin Gadola and Fr. Theologos

In an interview of Sorin Gadola conducted by Father Theologos, he explains from his own experience what the problems of today’s youth are and the trials […]
7 May 2022

From Elon Musk to God. Theologos, the Monk From Athos, Former IT Programmer | Fine & Simple 065

Wisdom and humility. This is how Father Theologos – one of the brilliant minds of Romanian Orthodoxy on Mount Athos – can be categorized, who speaks […]
30 April 2022

A New Saint in the Church. Who Is the Saint? – Father Theologos

A new saint was canonized in the Orthodox Church. What is the path of holiness? Which road must we take to reach our goal, to become […]
27 April 2022

The Miracles of Athos: The Monk Who “Sees” Through People.  Father Pimen │ Fain & Simple Podcast 063

In Holy Week, Father Pimen, a pillar of humility, speaks with Mihai Morar in the Garden of the Mother of God, a Romanian oasis of faith, […]
9 April 2022

The Invincible Generalissima – Father Theologos

The Church handling of war situations is different than what a person in the world expects – and here I’m not referring to their validation.  Watch […]
31 March 2022

Miracles of the Mother of God at the Beginnings –  Father Pimen Vlad

With a lot of grace and not without humor, Father Pimen Vlad recounts his memories from the beginning of the reconstruction of the cell of Saint […]
27 March 2022

Saints Cleopa and Paisie: Miracles, Charisms – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a special video in which Father Pimen gives his testimony regarding Saints Cleopa and Paisie with a view to their canonization. The Metropolitanate of Moldavia […]
Saints Cleopa and Paisie: Miracles, Charisms – Father Pimen Vlad
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