9 February 2023

Saint Haralambos: The Youthfulness of Old Age – Fr. Pimen Vlad

Saint Haralambos is the best example to show us that the saints are, in fact, moving from death to life, while sinful man moves forward in […]
15 December 2022

Saint Theophanó: How to Become a Saint, While Being an Empress – Father Pimen Vlad

An empress can become a saint? Yes, this can truly happen. To find out how, watch Father Pimen Vlad tell us about the wonderful life of […]
6 December 2022

Words Can Be a Form of Violence – Father Theologos

Unfortunately, almost all of us have the experience of the fact that most of the time words are a form of violence. Many of our troubles […]
15 September 2022

Country Life – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a sweet and very comforting word from Father Pimen Vlad in which he draws a parallel between country life and the challenges of today’s contemporary […]
28 August 2022

Miracles in Programming, Artificial Intelligence and the Family – Father Theologos

What problems does the omnipresence of programs and programming – especially of Artificial Intelligence – raise in everyday life? How do these blend with the family […]
19 July 2022

On Dreams, Imaginations and Drugs – Father Theologos

What is the relationship between dreams, imagination, God and demons? These things, as the Holy Fathers tell us, are very important and can to a large […]
5 July 2022

The Pitfalls of Distancing From the World – Father Theologos

Today’s society is very far from God and – therefore – a distancing from it is required in order to get closer to God.But what are […]
26 June 2022

Online Problems, the Mystery of Athos, Romanian Saints – Father Ioan Istrati, Fr. Theologos

Watch a dialogue between Father Ioan Istrati and Father Theologos about some of the most interesting topics in Romanian Orthodoxy today: the problems of online mission […]
21 June 2022

The Passions: Categories, Examples – Father Theologos

There are very, very many passions – whole books are written on this topic. However, a delimitation of these into categories is also necessary – even […]
19 June 2022

Father Efrem Atwood – Was He Guilty or Not? – Father Theologos

Watch a case study regarding the death of Father Efrem Atwood who was executed a few days ago on June 8, 2022, the 2nd capital punishment […]
26 May 2022

Temptations, Trials and Help in the Construction of the Cell – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch Father Pimen who tells us about the various temptations but also about the help of Mr. George Becali in the construction of the cell in […]
7 May 2022

From Elon Musk to God. Theologos, the Monk From Athos, Former IT Programmer | Fine & Simple 065

Wisdom and humility. This is how Father Theologos – one of the brilliant minds of Romanian Orthodoxy on Mount Athos – can be categorized, who speaks […]
30 April 2022

A New Saint in the Church. Who Is the Saint? – Father Theologos

A new saint was canonized in the Orthodox Church. What is the path of holiness? Which road must we take to reach our goal, to become […]
23 April 2022

What Is the Result of the Lord’s Resurrection? What Is Salvation? – Father Theologos

Christ God is risen. What does this mean for us? What did Christ accomplish for mankind? Watch this video to find out. Enjoy! The moment He […]
27 March 2022

Saints Cleopa and Paisie: Miracles, Charisms – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a special video in which Father Pimen gives his testimony regarding Saints Cleopa and Paisie with a view to their canonization. The Metropolitanate of Moldavia […]
24 March 2022

Poverty, Peace, and War – Father Pimen Vlad

What riches do monastics have? How do they handle themselves materially speaking? Watch this video and you will find out. As a bonus, father Pimen comments […]
9 March 2022

The Obedience at the Monastery of St. Paul – Father Pimen Vlad 

Watch father Pimen Vlad as he relates his memories of the spiritual fathers from the monastery of St. Paul.  The father relates wonderful events (miracles) that […]
24 February 2022

The Holy Mountain 28 Years Ago; Personal Experiences – Father Pimen Vlad 

Watch father Pimen Vlad relate how life on the Holy Mountain was in the Romanian settlements – primarily at Lacu Skete – 28 years ago when […]
The Holy Mountain 28 Years Ago; Personal Experiences – Father Pimen Vlad 
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