13 March 2023

My Spiritual Father, Father Iulian – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a warmhearted word from Father Pimen Vlad in which he pays homage to the personality of his beloved spiritual father, Father Iulian Lazar, upon […]
2 March 2023

Saint Gerasimus of the Jordan: The Simplicity of the Sinless Man – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to Father Pimen as he tells us the life of an extraordinary saint – Saint Gerasimus of the Jordan, a life in which we can […]
16 February 2023

The Toxicity of Judging Others – Father Pimen Vlad

It is very toxic to judge others – it is a destruction of the love between us in our heart, whether the other person knows we […]
4 February 2023

Relationships Between Young People – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a word of instruction that Father Pimen Vlad addressed to young people when he was in Romania. The thorny problem of relationships between young […]
3 February 2023

Saint Agatha: Pious and Virginal Mind – Fr. Pimen Vlad

What distinguishes Saint Agatha? What was her life like? Listen to Father Pimen Vlad who tells us the life of the saint and highlights the saint’s […]
22 December 2022

Christmas, the Mother of God and St. Stephen – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a word full of love related to Christmas and to the saints who played an important role in the Nativity of the Lord or […]
8 December 2022

Saint Spyridon – The Saint of Humility – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a word about the life and miracles of one of the greatest and most wonderful saints in Orthodoxy: Saint Spyridon. What was the cause […]
1 December 2022

Saint Nicholas: Our Grandpa – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a tender word about the life of Saint Nicholas, adorned with some of the many miracles that Saint Nicholas worked during his life and, […]
17 November 2022

The Entrance of the Theotokos Into the Temple – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to Father Pimen Vlad who is briefly speaking to us about the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple, the feast day […]
6 October 2022

Gratitude, Mercy, St. Philothea – Father Pimen Vlad

How did a 12-year-old girl become a holy martyr with unspoiled relics? Listen to a word from Father Pimen Vlad who shows us how this can […]
2 October 2022

Missionary Work in the Family – Father Theologos, Bogdan Marinescu

Watch an interview with someone who helped us and helps us enormously in the spiritual mission work we carry out. God bless him! …but the enemy […]
29 September 2022

The Mercy of the Saints and the Help of the Mother of God – Father Pimen Vlad

Listen to a comforting word from Father Pimen Vlad held at Pasărea monastery pertaining to the mercy of the saints and the help of the Mother […]
23 September 2022

Let’s Help as Much as We Can – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a comforting word from Father Pimen about the kindness and mercy we should have as Christians, about our Cross and about our relationship with matter. […]
13 September 2022

Suicide Does Not Solve Anything – Father Theologos

Watch a clip that the enemy fought us very hard on so that it wouldn’t come out. All our recordings, even if we prepare a little […]
23 August 2022

Disobedience, Reproof, Tyranny – Father Theologos

We talked about obedience and its beneficial effects. Now we will talk about disobedience and its destructive effects, about handling reproofs from both the perspective of […]
16 August 2022

Obedience and Social Relationships – Father Theologos

We continue the series on obedience, analyzing one of the great issues related to it and, by extension, to human existence: interpersonal relationships. Watch this video […]
14 August 2022

The Mother of God as an Example for Us – Father Theologos

Many of us have reverence for the Mother of God, but we do not think about how things stand when we want to have the Mother […]
12 August 2022

Saint Theodora of Sihla, Sihastria, the Mother of God – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a talk by Father Pimen Vlad in which he tells us some things regarding his itinerary through Romania as well as about the Mother of […]
7 August 2022

The Knowledge of God – The Transfiguration – Father Theologos

What is the significance and purpose of the feast of the Transfiguration? Why did God want it to happen? Watch this video to find out. Enjoy! […]
2 August 2022

The Love of the Body, Transhumanism, Suicide – Father Theologos

One of the main problems of today’s society is the bodily view of the world that pushes us to big problems related – paradoxically – to […]
31 July 2022

The Richest Man in Romania? – Gheorghe Axinte, Fr. Theologos

Watch a discussion with Gheorghe Axinte, who, in our opinion, is one of the richest people in Romania.By watching the clip, you will learn how he […]
21 June 2022

The Passions: Categories, Examples – Father Theologos

There are very, very many passions – whole books are written on this topic. However, a delimitation of these into categories is also necessary – even […]
17 June 2022

Small Mistakes – Great Sins!

In this dialogue with Athonite monk Pimen Vlad, we present a series of apparently small mistakes, which, when overlooked, inevitably generate disastrous consequences. Cristi Bumbenici (CB): […]
The Problems of Young People – Father Theologos
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